The War has already started
I firmly believe the Anti-Christ is not a man
From the beginning, Satan always attacked the Word of God. In Eden, he deceived Eve to doubt God's Word, Genesis 3:4 - Then the serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die!" This continued throughout bible history to the Age of Gnosticism. This is why many heretical sects were kicked out of the Church for promoting heresies contrary to God's Word. It's no surprise the Essenes in the 1st century Palestine were never called out in the Gospels. They were only briefly mentioned in the book of Acts. The silence about them is deafening, why? Because the Essenes protected the Holy Scriptures. It's widely speculated that John the Baptist came from them. It makes sense because the power is in the Word of God. As Jesus is the expressed Word of God, the Anti-Christ is the expressed Word perverted by Satan.
Today, I believe the various unscriptural preaching, being promulgated throughout our holy faith is the true ANTICHRIST and the desecration of God's Holy Temple is already happening. It is promoted through the air-waves (Ephesians 2:2), transmitted all over the world, and exchanges the Power of the Cross for a license to sin; divisions; blessing= money; unsympathetic, judgmental, etc. The internet, airwaves, radio, and television signals are the Beast, but the perverse doctrine is the end goal (i.e. aim, design, end, intention, intent, objective, object, and purpose).
Remember the Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2,
1 "And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. 2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified."
Why do so many churches no longer preach the Power, Passion, and Love demonstrated at Calvary?
I believe the war is raging right now and the battle is between the true church and the heretical churches supported by worldly belief systems. This also reflects the battle our Savior faced against the Temple (Pharisees and Sadducees) backed by the Roman Government and its Hellenized World. Today's battle is more palatable for people to easily get behind the non-true church because " has a form of Godliness"... (1 Tim 3:5) which allows them to live the way they want and still enjoy a sense of spiritual acceptance. Remember, the common people, led by the religious and government establishments of the time enthusiastically screamed "Crucify him, Crucify him" (Luke 23:21) while the true disciples watched in horror.
The prevailing interpretation about the Anti-Christ is too widely understood and conveniently accepted. Awaiting on one Man to rebuild a temple and then to desecrate it is way too obvious. A true Deception must have the ability to truly Deceive!
Today, the true spirit-led body of Christ are the ones who are isolated, easy targets for ridicule, slander, and possibly one-day harsh persecution. Even fellow "believers," tell us that we are "taking our faith too seriously", to "relax", "loosen up" and/or "have a little normal fun" just because we delight in fellowshipping with others who have a holy passion for our Bridegroom.
The clocking is ticking and all Bible-believing Christians must hold fast our confession, stand firm, and allow the Spirit of Truth to lead us in all things. This is how the Spirit has been leading me and I trust the same is true for you.
Just one perspective, what is yours?
Thomas Knowles, Minister of the Gospel of Christ Jesus